Roughriders ‘thrilled’ to host capacity crowd at Mosaic Stadium once step three of re-opening plan is achieved

The Saskatchewan Roughriders issued the following statement on Tuesday following an announcement from provincial health authorities.

We are thrilled to hear from the premier that we will be able to welcome Rider Nation back to Mosaic Stadium without capacity restrictions once step three is achieved. It is a testament to the people of Saskatchewan who have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get here.

Mosaic Stadium has not been full since November 17, 2019, and a lot of work is happening behind the scenes to be able to welcome fans back in the safest way possible. We will communicate any health and safety protocols as well as our ticket process as soon as they are finalized.

We are looking forward to the opportunity to bring Saskatchewan together again to celebrate our Green and White.

In the meantime, we encourage you to help the province reach its step three goal by getting your vaccine as soon as you are eligible and by continuing to follow all the current health guidelines.

The province of Saskatchewan has implemented a three-step re-opening plan as it navigates the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first step recently commenced when a 70 percent vaccination rate was achieved for people age 40 and over. The second step will occur when 70 percent of residents age 30 and over are vaccinated and the third step will commence when 70 percent of adults are vaccinated.

The province plans to lift all public health orders three weeks after 70 percent of residents age 12 and over have received one dose of the vaccine, provided this occurs at least three weeks following the implementation of step two.

To date, 66 percent of Saskatchewan adults have received at least one dose of the vaccine.