CFL continues push with Canadian federal government for $150 million

The Canadian Football League is continuing its quest for federal government aid amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Sportsnet’s Arash Madani has the latest:

Ambrosie asked the Canadian government for up to $150 million because of COVID-19 ramifications on the league and it’s finances. Madani reported the CFL began the process of getting federal funding on April 2.

Beginning that Thursday until the last known contact between the CFL and the federal government on April 20, there was a series of seven separate communications on the league’s behalf, with three different federal government ministries.

Early in their conversations with the federal government, there was communication with Catherine McKenna, the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities.

Officially, the topics of discussion between the CFL and the different divisions of the federal government were about small business, economic development and sports.

“We are continuing to engage with various sectors, industries and organizations who are facing disruptions because of COVID-19,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said during his April 29 coronavirus address to the nation.

“The CFL has approached us about support, we know it’s important to them, we know it’s important to many Canadians and those discussions are ongoing.”

The CFL told federal officials they would want to earn any funding  – and pay taxpayers back – by using all the tools at their disposal, including community and public education programs across the country, the use of digital channels, stadiums and broadcasts for advertising and promotion, and tourism initiatives surrounding the Grey Cup and other CFL events.

As the league navigates the financial damage of the coronavirus, communication with the government is ongoing.