UPDATE: Calgary mayor uses Grey Cup to troll Riders, gets owned

Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi turned a simple Tweet in support of the Stamps into an expert-level troll of the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

It started with this…

But quickly escalated to this…

Which would have been fine. But then Nenshi doubled down with this beauty…

For those not familiar of the migration patterns of Western Canada, there are a lot of people from Saskatchewan who live and work in Calgary.

We look forward to the response from noted Rider fan @PremierBradWall.

UPDATE: Or Nenshi could just keep going, that’s cool too.


Premier Brad Wall gets the last word because, well, sometimes chirping comes back to bite you in the ass…

Drew Edwards
Drew Edwards is the founder of 3DownNation but has since wandered off. Beard in the photo not exactly as shown.