An update from the final Ticats practice at McMaster


A beautiful day at Ticat practice and here’s what’s happening…

The biggest news is that Canadian defensive tackle Ted Laurent isn’t practicing today. Of the four days of practice this week, Laurent has been out there just once, on Thursday. If Laurent can’t go Sunday against the Riders – and he’d be a huge loss against the league’s best running attack – look for Hasan Hazime to fill his spot.

After two-plus seasons, this the final practice at McMaster University. The team will be moving into Tim Hortons Field next week and will have their locker room, training facility and practice field in the same location for the first time since the end of 2012, when they tore down Ivor Wynne.

Despite the logistical challenges – watching practices here, then driving to 1 Jarvis for interviews – I’ve enjoyed working at Mac. There’s parking, a press box and a Tim Hortons which is pretty much all a hack like me needs…

Drew Edwards
Drew Edwards is the founder of 3DownNation but has since wandered off. Beard in the photo not exactly as shown.